13 Apr 2013


As I mentioned earlier, one of the trends this year, is focus on content. If it means that we’ll be able to clearly see, information that we need, well hail to the new trends.

Wait, was that one of design’s primary functions from the beginning of time? Of course it was. But what made it stray from it’s course? Well humans are by nature, curious creatures. On the other hand the bombardment of new technologies, software and hardware possibilities, naturally, created eco-system that exploited that side of human character. It literally dragged people’s minds in to experimenting. Well in that plethora of web pages, surely some experiments were less successful than others. Just check out exapmle below, and you’ll see what I mean.


Luckily it looks like those days are over. Being, what it is, a human’s helper, technology constantly evolving, finding its way of serving best to the interests of people. Currently seems to be in calm waters of portable, touch screen computing marvels, commonly known as mobile phones or tablets. Wireless networks also are all around as. Ergo, we are constantly splashed with waves of informations, and tons of them. Add to that a modern tempo of life, and you’ll get necessity to reach, process and absorb quite specific information, and to do it quickly.

And right there is the point where more traditional design values regain there domination again. Those values were around us all the time. Take, for example, some known newspaper, there is a reason why their page’s design lasted for decades.

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Guidelines of such design are not to hard to reckognize. Its just that design became more delicate and descrete.

Nice, noticeable headlines to make your visitor sure that he is on the right page. Whitespace to make page flow more natural. Carefully about your page’s typography, to make that info as readable as possible and paragraphs sized for comfort.

When it comes to HCI do not experiment, at least do not do it extremly. Since you are not able to handpick your visitors, relay on most common human habits, keep it simple and make navigation through content, clearly visible and understandable. Avoid ornamentation, cause graphic elements should be there to illustrate and direct the eyes, not to confuse and distract them, and you’ll be right on track.

See what I mean?

Keep in mind: “The best design is the simplest one that works”- Albert Einstein.

Does all this mean that all that visual shenanigans will die. Don’t think so, but surely hope some of them will.

Images provided by: tpgblog.com, netzwertig.com and trychec.com

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